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Today was one of those days.  Like most days in raising toddlers, it was filled with messes,



falling down and shedding tears, spilled milk at breakfast.  All the fun stuff.  And when you start the

day tired and clumsy it can be hard to get a running start!

Before I had kids I use to do a lot of painting.  It is still my patience builder, but now it is twice the patience builder.  Last time I pulled my painting supplies out Madeline and I painted together (she is great to help me with the beginning of painting getting all that paint on the canvas) and then… Milo, my two year old woke up from his nap and wanted to help.  I just couldn’t get it all cleaned up fast enough and to avoid all the tears, I let him “help” me. After all, my landscape now had some blue trees to decorate it Dr. Seuss style…


Patience tested.  My work put in reverse…. but the reward.  Having some bonding time with my toddler sitting on my lap, loving to be doing something special with mom.  Ultimately I only lost about 15 minutes of work, I snapped this picture and painted over it later.

Earlier today, I walk down the hall to see the bathroom door closed and I hear the two making water noises in the bathroom.  I mentally prepare myself for what mess is on the other side of the door.  When I was a toddler, I remember pretending the toilet was a pool for my barbies.  GROSS, I know.  I think I was 3.  Yes, I do remember it.  I put all the toilet paper in too as part of the party.  I was having a blast.  Then my mom came into discover the mess.  I remember starting to prepare for “being in trouble” but my mom went to go get a camera.  Now, typically when that happened it meant we were doing something cute, positive or we were posing for pictures on vacation… film cameras weren’t pulled out as often back then.  I remember thinking… “ok, it’s ok, I am being cute/ funny!”  Haha.  of all things.   In reality my mom approached a rather messy situation with the only thing she could really do in that exact moment.  Laugh and make it a memory.  Then clean up the mess and move on. Yes she told me it wasn’t ok, yes I had to help clean up.


So when I opened the bathroom door, I was preparing to find the whole roll of toilet paper everywhere, toys in the toilet, the works… but what do I find? Madeline had gone to find her swimsuit, gotten it on herself and her and Milo were up on the counter, having a sink pool party!  It was quite the silly sight.  I love them so much.  Every day they make messes but at least they crack me up along the way.

So whatever it may be along the way, each day for you, just try laughing first and capture the memory.  Then clean up the mess.  (and have them help:)

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  1. livelytwist says:

    Not always easy, but oh yes, laugh and make a memory!

  2. cherylfoston says:

    Parenting is the hardest job one will ever have. Although it can wear on your patience, it is all worth it! Love the kiddies in the sink…how cute is that. 🙂

  3. Christina says:

    This post made me smile and was so uplifting. Thank you for your perspective! I am going to put this wisdom into practice. I loved that you really remembered the feeling you had at 3, such a testament to how impressionable children are and how important it is that we safeguard our little ones from unnecessary guilt and turmoil especially when it is something that can be fixed. 🙂

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